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Albums that will never exist, But I will listen to January 28, 2008

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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I have recently become a big music-person. I attribute this to my Zune80 and the social an all that…. but I digress, this isn’t about that. But due to reddit-ing, I came across this, a sort of Web2.0 Album aggregator. In case that goes down, the rules are thus:

1 – Go to Wikipedia’s random article page
The first article you get is the name of your band

2 – Go to the Random Quotations page
The last four words of the last quote is the album title

3 – Go to Flickr’s Interesting photo page
Third picture, no matter what it is, is your album cover

And there you go. My First:

God is not Dead

Clear evidence of a God June 11, 2007

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Well, at least for me.

My entire life I had been fed Catholic Rhetoric. Nothing too crazy- nowhere near the fundamentalists. Luckily, I was raised in a household that called for free thought, and at a young age I was taught to think for myself. I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it was a very good way to learn, despite that it has ultimately led me away from traditional Christendom and into the realm of Deism.

“But wait,” A friend said, “Isnt’t Deism Atheism without the chutzpah?”

I paused, waiting, nay, praying, that he elaborate.

“It’s like you utilize all the logic of atheism, but still decide to believe in the unnecesary creator.” Without getting into the huge philosophical argument, I looked at him.

“I know there is a God.”


“Not only am I sure there is a God, I know that she has one huge fucking sense of humor.”


I smiled.

“Well, my old friend, let me tell you.”

The story begins in my Eight grade. I was about 13, and a member of John Wallace Middle school in Newington Connecticut. We had been learning about the second World War, a topic I enjoyed learning about, when he had some pacific island Veterans come to speak with us as a surprise. I talked the entire time to my friends, asking questions to the veterans, and let me tell you- they where a class act. They got emotional, they told of heroic, and less heroic moments of the war in the Pacific. They shared horrors, they shared triumphs. They sang for us- it was great. As we began to leave – two whole hours longer than we where supposed to be there – I was pulled aside by a teacher.

“They are joining us for lunch. We are inviting some of the students to eat with them, would you like to do that?”

I smiled in agreement.

As I shared moments with these people, I found a deeper understanding of the war, them sharing personal information that many people do not hear from their family. The entire faculty liked them so much that they where again asked to talk with us- but not in the large auditorium, because we had not reserved the room. Instead, they followed us around to our wing of classes. Our school was basically a large circle, and in order to get to the wing, we needed to pass many of the others.

It was then that I heard a voice.

No, not voice. Voices.


My nearby teacher turned to me and his eyes went wide, his body arching towards the Veterans, leading the pact of students around our halls.

The chanting grew louder.

While his mouth did not speak, his eyes spoke volumes.

The seventh grade was learning about foreign cultures, as I did when I was in the grade. However, a new teacher took things to a new level – she called it immersion. Around the curvature of the hallway, there came an entire class of students chanting in Japanese, two flagbearers holding the Japanese flag, and every student wearing Japanese armbands and headbands.

I kid you not- the room got intensely quiet, even the air conditioning shut off.

It was in that brief moment in time, the tension so strong that I saw teachers wince, where my eyes cast an upwards glance, a small tear formed in my eye, my mouth creating crude smile.

“He Is real!”

– A F K

Me am Hate Video Games., June 3, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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I recently got into comics hardcore….. and in the DC universe, there is a currently revitalized multiverse. I care about one character from said universe…. Bizarro. In Protest, I am speaking to others in pure Bizarro speak. Before you lies one such convo.

9:21:03 PM) Jarvi: Goodbye stu. Me Am Jarzarro.
(9:21:22 PM) Jarvi: Me am hate Stu.
(9:21:35 PM) Stunibrow: (you am not Jarzarro)
(9:21:50 PM) Jarvi: Stu Should always correct jarzarro.
(9:21:54 PM) Stunibrow: lol
(9:22:10 PM) Jarvi: Cuz Jarzarro love stu.
(9:22:17 PM) Stunibrow: lol
(9:22:40 PM) Jarvi: Me am gonna hug stu, stu am worst enemy.
(9:23:04 PM) Stunibrow: http://mightygodking.livejournal.com/303612.html
(9:23:14 PM) Stunibrow: you should hate that very much
(9:23:22 PM) Jarvi: Cuz me am love stu, me will not speak like this next time me am have deep philisopghical discussion.
(9:23:34 PM) Stunibrow: oh, ogd
(9:23:38 PM) Stunibrow: god*
(9:24:56 PM) Jarvi: Me am frowning.
(9:25:33 PM) Jarvi: Me am frowning very little.
(9:25:42 PM) Stunibrow: that sounds like a bizarro version of “lol”
(9:26:42 PM) Jarvi: SVQ!
(9:26:59 PM) Jarvi: Me am SVQ!
(9:27:10 PM) Jarvi: svqsvqsvq!!!!!!!!TWO
(9:27:25 PM) Stunibrow: what does that stand for?
(9:27:32 PM) Jarvi: me am crying cuz stu knows what it means
(9:27:43 PM) Jarvi: ME not know what it means
(9:27:44 PM) Stunibrow: damn
(9:27:48 PM) Jarvi: Me not tell stu
(9:27:59 PM) Jarvi: It doesn’t mean “Sitting very quietly.”
(9:28:11 PM) Stunibrow: Ah-HA!
(9:31:52 PM) Jarvi: me think this make bad blog post.

Pressing news; Urgent. June 1, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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New Trailer….. Up 30 points bringing excitement to a potent 92, or “I will be giggling on the way to the theatre.”
New Commercial…. Brings dissapointment to a 42, ” The marketing team is sinning upon new generations of youngsters.
New Toys…. Maxed out at 100 points upon seeing Optimus Prime Helmet, ” Every day I do not own this I die more and more inside.”

I want it.

I want it now.

-A f k

Delicate Discord: No Time Edition May 31, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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Delicate discord is where I fire off a great list of odd thoughts. This is less for entertainment and more of an excersize in clearing my mental Cache.

  • Coming back from college this first time, or rather, having others come back- it allows for some great moments, like when you see that nothing is on, untill you flip to mythbusters .
  • Listening to Nerdcore Rap with Black Friends is seriously awesome.
  • I have not been in a play for so long, it feels both great and miserable.
  • Microsoft surface. Want.
  • No matter how good your grades are, do not wake up the parents at 12:24 A.M.
  • researching your past by locating friends of old is a great way to learn bout yourself.
  • One finds much knowledge during the night hours in the parking lot of a shaw’s.
  • Parents are very confused as to why you might buy a car, or for that matter, wish to buy one.
  • Boston is a fantastically wonderful town.
  • Curiosity has killed many cats; Cats have 9 lives.
  • I can never be sure of the sincerity of my friends when I speak of odd things; this is mostly because I suppose that they are thinking the same thing I am about myself; Whatever you say, alex. Whatever you say.
  • Apples are more important than they seem.
  • Why in the hell do I have less free time in the summer?

-A F K

New banner. May 26, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.

Check out my new banner at my blog ( ludologistjarvi.blogspot.com, for all my facebook friends.)

Classy, methinks, with a hint of nerdy philosophy.

A bit large, but I think it works.

*that’s what she said.*

-A F K.

Too little time. May 14, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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The year is coming to an end, and it is a dual bladed sword.Let me tell you, I have alot on my plate- I am not sure, of all the things on said plate, should I focus on. I know that the school year is ending soon, meaning that what I have just spent last semester focusing on will end, and that is bitter sweet. But, I will continue to do what I am doing now, despite the sheer magnitude of what is in front of me.

Of course, I am referring to Godfather for the wii, World of Warcraft, Pokemon Pearl, And Super paper mario. Too little time.

I should be doing…. something.



Off of my back May 11, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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This post has been floating in my mind for some time now. I will offend, but lets face it, this is the internet.

The following is a post to all those who believe certain things like Creationism, 9/11 conspiracy theories, grassy knoll shooters, racists, media-blamers, down players of things like wiretapping, no-warrant arrests, people against immigration, and more.

You guys are Loud.

The Internet is full of people just like you, and you all have a message. I support it wholeheartedly, with every fiber of my being- this is the world, and your voice has just as much as weight as mine. You have a lot of vigor and resolve, and I respect that as well. However, where does logic float aloft and leave you? How much fluff do you have to throw into a theory until it overflows?

It made me think really hard. Perhaps no one has ever presented these people with logic? Perhaps no one has sat them down, told them to take a deep breath, and think? And I do not mean this in an evil, or menacing way – far from it. However, at a certain point, there needs to be a voice telling us exactly how silly we sound. So, I thought about it a lot. I watched video after video, story after story, about people who seemingly ruined their lives over these issues, yelled, screamed, made their voices run hoarse with this belief, standing on it proudly and making it a definition for themselves. The further I dug, the more it hit me- this was not a rock. There was no grand stand. These beliefs are not a platform; they are a liferaft.

I get it.

We all get scared sometimes.

It would be a lot easier if god made us just 6,000 years ago, upright and speaking. It would mean that god is in fact real, and perhaps there is some purpose for us. *

It would be a lot easier if 9/11 was an inside job. Perhaps then it means that there aren’t those who want us dead, who hate us and everything we stand for.

It would be a lot easier if it where those damn video games that caused Virginia Tech; then the blame wouldn’t be on bullies, the mistreaters- it was the electronics.

It would be a lot easier to blame problems on Muslims, Blacks, Latinos- because you can just point at the skin, not the faces, and scream at “the problem”.

It would be a lot easier to think Santa came in the morning, because then those gifts where really magical, and not just a sale at the local wal-mart.

But the truth is, we live in this world. 9/11 was caused by terrorists who hate us. Kennedy was shot by Oswald. Columbine, Virginia Tech- those where causes of our society and how it treats young people, not some electronic box.

This is our world, and many of us don’t live in it.

But let me tell you- embrace whatever bravery you have in you and step out. Take that moment, calm down, and think. Use your brain and your heart. Realize the facts, and join the party.

-A F K

* A Definiton; while I went through a mild crisis of faith at the head of this article, I do, in fact, believe in God. What God, you ask? Well, none and all, if that makes any sense.

Phones that are entirely Cellular! May 11, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.
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I have had more than I expected ask me about “This Planet Earth”, and what is happening with the chalkboard warrior project. For CBW, our effort in the semester was too little too late ( our acquisition of control in the Computer lab, not the efforts of the team). It is currently put aside, waiting for a bigger push in the next semester, where we can get some new blood. No offense to the current team- I am so glad we are all friends, but there needs to be more focus and less distraction.

This planet earth, which is a working title, will not be a traditional game as I have said before. I will give scant details, with the hopes of gathering interest! Also, if you are a friend of mine; you will beta test this.

– It will run on Java, the J2ME platform, meaning it runs on most Motorola, Nokia, etc. Phones.
– It uses a piece of the camera that is not really used for games. Ever.
– It is half-game, half-social networking site.
-Google maps might be involved.
– This planet earth is prolly not the final title. But I like it because it is currently verbatim to the aforementioned Quote.

I am planning on using this as a developers diary, which will be easier considering the game will pretty much be made ( or assembled slightly) in about a month.

To the Sleeping Thing!

-A F K

Behind bars May 9, 2007

Posted by adrenjarvi in Uncategorized.

A family member of mine recently got released from the prison system. In my short talk with him, he said something oddly profound;

“I wish there was a way for everyone to appreciate the world they live in, this planet earth.”

It stuck with me.

Two days later, I have strangely birthed as concept document for a new game, with black arial lettering on the front;


And I’ll have the perfect opportunity to make it.

-A F K